Reborn Page 19
Finally, he breaks the silence with a hysterical giggle. “Pretty! Pretty, pretty beast.”
Frowning, I place my hands on the cold bars and lean my face against its surface, desperately trying to peer in the dark. “Did you find her, Gan? Did you do it? Did you find Kat?”
He doesn’t respond, my breath the only thing I hear.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
The door at the end of the room filled with cells open, spilling light into the dark.
Gan slams into the bars. Eyes the size of quarters abruptly come into my vision. I scream, trying to scramble back, but he has my shirt inside his grubby, transparent hands. His teeth yellow, his hair scraggly, he screeches in my face. It sounds like that of a tortured animal.
My lungs run out of air, my scream quieting until nothing comes out. His wailing lasts several seconds after mine before he lowers his voice, speaking in quick tongue, “The beasty. A daughter of life and death. Two in one. Destruction. Chaos. She will be the end and the beginning.” He frowns. “End-inning.”
He cackles and releases my shirt before trailing back into the dark, pausing only to repeat the genius of his last words between his loud, unnerving laugh.
Breathing loud huffs, I keep my eye on the spot he disappeared from while frozen in place. His words echo in my head, connecting the dots to things I’ve already stored there. Myths. Legends. Truths and facts.
I shuffle back a little. “Gan,” I whisper when his giggles quiet to a soft chuckle. “Gan. Did you make contact?”
He bursts into laughter again, the sound echoing off the walls, slamming into my sensitive eardrums and obliterating me with hopelessness.
“Gandalf!” a vampire shouts in warning, approaching our cells. “Enough!”
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About the Author
D. Fischer is a mother of two busy boys, a wife to a wonderful and supportive husband, and an owner of two hyper, sock-loving dogs and an attention-seeking fat cat. Together, they live in a quiet little corner of a state that’s located in the middle of the great USA.
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